Company History

Chronicle Founded 1st of october 1995 with 6 Employees the Präzisionsteile Fertigung Gärtner was a follower of the former implement and special machine manufacturer Thalheimer Geraetewerke.

Perpetually Investment in most modern manufacturing and measuring technique, as well as three new production facilities increased our production potential a lot.

2001 We moved to our new constructed Facility in Burkhardtsdorf. Our focus that time became Computer Numerically Controlled(CNC) milling.
2012 Expansion by building a second hall to be used as receipt, store and for assembling. We also introduced new technologies that time.
2014 Startup of an anodization hand-feeding device with modern sewage technology in a new production hall especially used for light engineering product lines in single quantities and small series.
Organisation Flat Hierarchy supported by an ERP-System for computer controlled production flow.

20 employees and 3 apprentices, we are training since we were founded and we continue educating our employees as well.

Machinery Please check machine.pdf in download section, including equippment and environment.
Construction profile CNC milling upto 5 angles

NC Turning (cycled)

Conventional flat grinding

Manual production in fine mechanics


Anodic treatment black, nature and glittering with rack (see guideline)

Certification Since 2008: ISO 9001 with yearly audit